We would first like to thank you for showing interest in donating to our charity. Out community keeps us strong to help those in need, and we will always be grateful for any contribution.
If you would like to donate to Guisborough Bridge Association, there are several options to do so:
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a method of donation in the UK that allows taxpayers to increase their donation at no extra cost to themselves. Claiming Gift Aid on a donation means that a charity can claim back the donator’s basic tax rate (typically 20%), therefore increasing the donation.
If you are a taxpater and wish to claim Gift Aid, download the form below, fill it out, and include it with your donation.
*Please note that not everyone can declare Gift Aid. Read more here.
BACS Transfer
BACS stands for Bankers’ Automated Clearing System. It’s a regulated payment system commonly used for transferring money from bank to bank. All it requires is a sort code and account number, and it can take up to three business days for payment to be processed.
The Guisborough Bridge Association sort code and account number are:
We also recommend sending us an email to staff@guisboroughbridge.org.uk letting us know you will be sending a BACS transfer so that we can easily locate and give a receipt/acknowledgement of your contribution.
Other methods
You can also donate via cheque or by having your money in a sealed envelope and giving it to one of our Project Leaders on Mondays and/or Thursdays at the Guisborough Methodist Church.